donderdag 23 januari 2025

Conflictoplossende Instituties (CoI) Congres 2025

Het Conflictoplossende Instituties-programma aan de Universiteit Leiden richt zich op het bestuderen en verbeteren van instellingen die conflicten oplossen, waaronder juridische procedures en alternatieve geschiloplossingsmethoden. Het doel is om de efficiëntie en rechtvaardigheid van deze systeme

The congress is scheduled for October 1-3, 2025.

 The conference will address advances and challenges in conflict resolution mechanisms, including legal procedures and alternative methods such as mediation and arbitration. It aims to bring together experts from various disciplines to discuss and develop innovative approaches to improving the efficiency and fairness of these systems. The event will include presentations, discussions and networking opportunities for academics, practitioners and policymakers.

