Do you want to travel while staying perfectly still? To stand eye-to-eye with a pre-historic dino? To box without hurting someone? This is all possible in the Virtuorium. With the help of Virtual Reality we can let you experience something extraordinary.

With the Leiden Plank Challenge you can conquer great heights. You can feel your stomach turn as you look into the depths. With a large bow, you can shoot arrows. Your opponent ducks away just in time. No matter how crazy your imagination, it's all possible in the Virtuorium. The ideal place to experience Virtual Reality with friends, colleagues or family. An outing for everyone. 

How do you discover the Virtuorium? In advance you've looked at how long and with how many you want to play at the same time. If you are still new to Virtual Reality, we'll help you on your way with a special introduction programme. Afterwards, you can pick from several themes: action, sport, adventure, horror, escape room or shooter. As soon as you put VR glasses on, you are in another world. 


With the Leiden Plank Challenge you can conquer great heights. You can feel your stomach turn as you look into the depths. With a large bow, you can shoot arrows. Your opponent ducks away just in time. No matter how crazy your imagination, it's all possible in the Virtuorium. The ideal place to experience Virtual Reality with friends, colleagues or family. An outing for everyone. 

How do you discover the Virtuorium? In advance you've looked at how long and with how many you want to play at the same time. If you are still new to Virtual Reality, we'll help you on your way with a special introduction programme. Afterwards, you can pick from several themes: action, sport, adventure, horror, escape room or shooter. As soon as you put VR glasses on, you are in another world. 

Virtual Reality is suited for young and old. It's double the fun when you play the same game with each other. VR is also a unique and especially intense experience. It feels like you're really there. It makes exciting extra exciting. Fun becomes extra intense.  

Do you want to stand eye-to-eye with a large whale, a sweet doggy, or a wild Orc? Discover the Virtuorium. See you soon, in a world from which you won't want to escape. 

Take a look
